Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Night Owls

My kids are driving me crazy. If there is one thing I hate it is being woken up in the middle of the night. And for some reason that seems to be happening alot lately. Last night we stayed up late trying so we decided to write some articles. Tim was working on a letter of inquiry and I wrote a few articles one jock itch, one on ear infections in dogs, and another on a career working in a deli. I know they sound lame, but they are assigned to me, I don't pick the subject matter. So anyways I didn't go to sleep until around 130am.

At 230am Bradley comes in the room with his laptop to show us something he had found on the cleaning service we used to own. Now I haven't cleaned a house in almost a year, and he comes across a review of our service and thinks that 230am is the perfect time to read it to us. We kick him out of the room and attempt to go back to sleep. Then I hear them talking and Tim has to go and tell them to go to bed.

They all have their sleep patterns messed up they sleep during the day and stay up all night. I do not even want to see the electric bill.

Oh yesterday, the kids scared the heck out of me. I was trying to get some work done. I had a big deadline. My boss was going to be calling and I had some work I had to get done for her. Well all of the sudden we here Emily and Logan screaming running towards our door, saying that Logan had a stick stuck in his eye. We were almost afraid to open the door. I was afraid to look. All I could picture was a big stick stuck in his eye hanging there dragging behing them. Yuck! Okay maybe to much drama but you get the point. It was the smallest black dot in the the corner of this eye.

Oh and Amanda tried to get us to let her boyfriend go on vacation with us again. We told her it wasn't appropriate. She said that all of her friend family's let their boyfriends go on vacation with them. We said we never pretend nor are everybody else's family's. She said what do you think we are going to have sex or something? We just glanced at each other and said, yup that is exactly what we are afraid of so there now you know so stop bothering us.

Friday is going to be mine and my husband's 21st anniversary so I have been doing some reflecting on the past 21 years. I was thinking of something kind of funny today, about food of all things. Over the years, both of us have changed our food likes both changing to be more like the other in our food likes. For example, I used to hate Chinese food, now I will eat it. And now my husband eats his egg rolls with a knife. I have corrupted him. Tim used to like plain spaghetti sauce, I mean really plain, now he likes most chunky styles. He also used to swear up and down that he hated cheese cake, well now he likes it.

Time is funny it changes people and makes them more similar. Tim and I have become more and more alike the longer we are married. Gees one of these days I am going to wake up and wear the pants.

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